With House Calls, your living room is your waiting room.

Do you have difficulty leaving home because of a chronic condition?

Do you require specialized transportation to get to the clinic?

Have you missed, canceled or not scheduled doctor appointments at all because it was too hard to leave the house?

Do you need a family member or friend to accompany you to the doctor’s office?

Are you a caregiver who is finding it increasingly difficult to get your loved one or resident to necessary appointments?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, House Calls can help. We’re bringing the care back to you, where it belongs.

Reviving the House Call

Home-based primary care and palliative care–or the modern day House Call– delivers care to medically complex, homebound or home-limited adults who otherwise would not be able to easily receive the care they need.

House calls offers primary care and palliative care consultations in the comfort of home via in-person visits and telehealth for people who have difficulty leaving home.

With care provided by a physician and nurse practitioners, House Calls provides needed services in our communities to keep people well at home, and benefits several groups:

  • For home-limited patients, it provides improved quality of life and comfort.
  • For family caregivers, it brings support and peace of mind.
  • For our health partners, it reduces hospital readmissions and emergency department visits.

If you or your loved one could benefit from House Calls, contact us today to learn more.